Franchise Resources
Quick Reads
From Corporate Setback to Career Freedom: My Journey into Franchise Consulting
In 2004, I found myself at a crossroads. The company I worked for—ironically, a franchise brand—underwent a downsizing, and like so many others in the corporate world, I was left...
Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: The Buffet Effect in Franchising
Ever hit up an all-you-can-eat buffet with a stomach that thinks it’s bottomless? Everything looks so good that you end up with a tray overflowing with everything from sushi to...
The Recipe for More
Holiday gatherings are always a whirlwind, aren’t they? The sparkle of decorations, the warmth of family and friends, and of course—the food. Lots and lots of food. I was recently invited to a holiday dinner and asked to bring a dish to pass. For most people, that’s no big deal. For me, though, it’s a different story. You see, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Home Economics, but I don’t like to cook. Yes, you read that right. The irony isn’t lost on me.
10 Lessons from the Race Course: How Running Teaches Us About Franchising and Business Ownership
Running the Wharf to Wharf race in Santa Cruz, CA, has been a cherished tradition for me over the years. This iconic six-mile run from Santa Cruz Beach to Capitola Beach is known for its live music, stunning views, and a guaranteed fun day. But for me, it’s more than just a race—it’s a journey filled with lessons that resonate deeply in business ownership, particularly franchising.
Lemonade Stands and Entrepreneurial Dreams: A Journey Back to Our First Business Ventures
There’s something magical about the first steps into the world of entrepreneurship. Let me share with you a story about a young boy named Liam and his dream of running a lemonade stand. This story reminds me of my own childhood when I took my first steps into the world of business, selling corn on my family’s farm, and it’s a journey that echoes the path many of us have taken.
Just the right amount of afraid
Have you ever heard of that concept – Just the right amount of afraid? Fear is something we all face when it comes to making big life decisions. We probably wouldn’t be human if...
When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Some of us grab that bowl of ice cream, for a short-term fix. I’ve talked to several candidates lately who’ve been laid off, passed over for that well-deserved promotion or can’t...
How many franchises do you frequent in a week?
Local businesses we rely on are part of our daily and weekly landscape. However, do you know how many are actually a franchise? Your first stop might be a workout in the gym....
Have you ever considered a franchise?
So many people have experienced changes over the last several years. Some expressed frustration about the revolving door of working for someone else. They’d been laid off from...
What does the Rubik’s Cube have to do with franchising?
What does the Rubik’s Cube have to do with franchising? Some people love puzzles, like the Rubik’s Cube. I’m more of a crossword fan, but I appreciate the complexity of the...
Is it better to bet on the horse or the jockey?
If you’ve ever watched the lead up to the Kentucky Derby, you know how much attention is centered on the horses. But in the weeks leading up to the big day, and on the day, the...
What Would Buffett Say?
I read an article the other day that was sprinkled with Buffett-isms. No, not Jimmy Buffett-isms about beaches, Margaritaville and Parrotheads, but Warren Buffett. It got me...
Franchise Advice Corner
Embrace the Unexpected
“Embrace the Unexpected,” is the title of the speech Terri Kallsen gave as she accepted the Financial Woman of the Year award from Financial Women of San Francisco. What does Terri know about that subject? Plenty! She recounted that day, last July, when the unexpected...
Graduation Reflections and Memories
Watching graduation videos from my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, brought back memories. The more recent experience was three years ago, when I felt honored to be a keynote speaker at a special dinner recognizing the James H. Albertson award...
Franchising Does the “Pandemic Pivot”
Pivot: an action that occurs when a company makes a fundamental change to its operations and/or direction. That’s exactly what we in the franchise industry are seeing in the business current economic environment. It’s even being called the “Pandemic Pivot!” There...
Crazy With A Dose Of Sage Advice
Crazy. It’s a crazy world we’re living in right now. I had my newsletter set to go out earlier this month but was dragging my feet because of the coronavirus and the impact on us all, including businesses. I wanted it to be relevant and timely and also wanted it to be...
My Two Loves
Could you fall in love with a business and a mate at the same time? These three people did! Here are their stories. “It’s not unusual for an entrepreneur to have a partner when starting a new business,” said Diane Pleuss, franchise consultant with FranChoice. “After...
Two Words: Thank you
It’s the season of gratitude. A time to reflect and say, thank you. While I still have a few thank-you’s to write, I want to acknowledge how a simple thank-you note can change your attitude, open doors and leave a lasting impact. At FranChoice, whenever we help place...
“Witch-ful” Thinking
It’s almost Halloween, that time of year when little ghosts and goblins roam the neighborhood seeking sweet treats. When a child in a light-up sparkle witch costume or a Buzz Lightyear suit knocks at our door, we’re probably not going to be too scared. However, when...
What’s so Special About Franchising?
Hello Readers! I know this sounds a bit repetitive, but every time I attend a FranChoice event I come back so energized by what I learn and the state of the franchise industry that I simply have to share the excitement. FranChoice brings truly special opportunities to...
The False Assumption of the Life-long Career
Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal ran a story about General Electric’s plans to auction off its once highly-touted software unit: GE Digital. You may recall GE laid off 12,000 from its power business in December. Between December 2016 and March 2018, GE’s...