Franchise Resources

Quick Reads

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After are markers we’ve probably all thought about. Life before this event, life after that experience. The most common provides a frame for a certain period of our...

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Does Money Make Us Happy

Does Money Make Us Happy

Does money make us happy? It should be no surprise that money is often tied to emotions. Our emotions about money can run from worried to motivated as we work hard to pay our...

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It’s Raining Pink Slips

It’s Raining Pink Slips

You might think, from the headlines, that only the tech industry is facing mass layoffs. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal declared, “Tech Workers Face a New Reality as...

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Start with a Clean Slate

Start with a Clean Slate

We’ve all heard the phrase, “start with a clean slate.” That could apply to any number of situations. You might even think it is counterproductive when it comes to considering...

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One foot in front of the other…

One foot in front of the other…

You’ve probably all heard a version of this, “just put one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get there.” What does that really mean when it comes to life choices? If you are...

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Thinking of Starting a Business?

Thinking of Starting a Business?

Starting a business is frequently compared to riding a roller coaster. That would be an emotional roller coaster and sometimes a financial one. Hard work can mean some exciting...

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It’s about the heart and mind

It’s about the heart and mind

One of the San Francisco Bay Area’s most iconic and difficult races is the Dipsea. The race’s finish line is in Stinson Beach, but the rugged trail winds through terrain that...

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Are you taking the leap?

Are you taking the leap?

Many of us are doing some soul-searching. That’s the result of going through the stark uncertainty, upheaval and tragedy of more than two and a half years of this pandemic. These...

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