Franchise Resources

Quick Reads

These SBA Funding Incentives are HOT!

These SBA Funding Incentives are HOT!

Almost everyone who buys a franchise and opens a franchise business will secure a loan of some type to fund their business. The most common types of loans are SBA loans. The SBA...

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What is a Franchise Mentor?

What is a Franchise Mentor?

I’ll bet we’ve all heard someone say, “I wish I’d known that when I was starting out. I’d have done things differently.” That insight, or information changed the way the person...

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Imagine the Impossible

Imagine the Impossible

In an ordinary year, we might do some inspirational goal setting. This year is once again, no ordinary year. On some days I am happy to put one foot in front of the other,...

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Tailor Fit Franchise

Tailor Fit Franchise

That phrase, “tailor fit” holds a certain cachet, images of London’s Savile Row. However, there are other things in life that can benefit from a tailor made fit. The right...

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3 Tips for Exploring Franchising

3 Tips for Exploring Franchising

What is a franchise? In exchange for an initial fee to a franchisor, and ongoing royalties a franchisee acquires the use of a trademark, the right to use the franchisor’s system...

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Women Juggling Career and Home

Women Juggling Career and Home

Last month, I shared a Forbes’ article about women small business owners. Women owned businesses are growing. In 1972 there were only 402,000 women-owned businesses. In 2019,...

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How much does a franchise cost?

How much does a franchise cost?

Most people would rather tell you the color of the underwear they’re wearing than reveal how much money they make – or how much they have to invest! Yet, the question of how much...

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Resilience is a Choice

Resilience is a Choice

At the start of the COVID pandemic, FM Global ran an eye-catching ad in the Wall Street Journal. The tagline read Resilience is a Choice. At the time of its publication, I wasn't...

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What Does Investing Mean to You?

What Does Investing Mean to You?

When the term investing is mentioned, people often think about real estate, the stock market, mutual funds, but how many times to do we think about investing in ourselves? Isn’t...

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