We know that’s not true because people reinvent themselves all the time.
We can all learn new things whenever we put our minds to it. With a franchise, it is much easier because the franchise has the training organized and formatted – for what you need to learn and when. There’s often even pre-training, so you’re well-prepared for the training itself.
Whether you learn in-person, virtually or in combination, trainings are flexible. With things opening up, it can be done at the home office or via on-site visits. The timing may be a few days to several weeks. Naturally, there is ongoing training to keep franchisees informed about new products or services, advertising/marketing campaigns and industry updates.
With good franchise companies, trainings evolve to meet the needs of franchisees. They are kept fine-tuned and refined, always striving towards excellence. A good solid training program helps to lay a sound foundation, so ideally the franchisee can grow exponentially.
One aspect of my job is to help you find those good franchise companies that offer the best ongoing support. Want to learn some tricks? Give me a call: 925.642.9976.