Last week, Kevin Roose, in his NY Times column, SHIFT, highlighted an interesting phenomenon. He titled it “Welcome to the YOLO Economy.”

Not familiar with the term?

Rapper, Drake, coined it a decade ago, “You Only Live Once.” Many of us have sensed it intuitively and are grappling with the consequences.

Having seen new possibilities born out of crisis, a large percentage of us don’t want to go all the way back to the way things were before the pandemic. He suggests that a significant number of workers are chucking stable, well-paying jobs to pursue their passions, or simply choosing a simpler lifestyle.

They are seeking a change. Some want more adventure. For others, that means taking charge of their lives and starting a new business.

As Roose notes, not everyone can afford to make a leap like that. For those who can, the possibilities are enticing. While some workers are switching jobs or negotiating to work from home on a permanent basis, still others are leaving employment to explore business ownership.

How do you feel about going back to “normal?”

Has the pandemic changed your priorities? Are you seeking new options?

If you are feeling YOLO, we should talk: 925.642.9976.

A franchise business could be in your future.