When times are good, we take certain things for granted. Like the trajectory of our career path. Work hard, keep learning and that path we used to refer to as a ladder climbing upwards, often serves us well. But what happens when that ladder levels out, or the rungs no longer hold?
A career ladder depends on more than hard work and skill building. Relationships with senior people who recognize your hard work are key. In today’s uncertain climate, senior people are receiving golden handshakes, as often as junior staff are furloughed. If they are no longer there to tap you for a promotion, what are your options?
You can start a job search, whatever age you are and wherever you are in your career trajectory. Or, you can explore other options. This could be an ideal time to consider business ownership, where you are your own boss. You build the ladder. You take control of your own life.
I know, this may seem like a wild idea but exploring franchise businesses could open the door to a whole new world of opportunity. If your ladder is looking shaky, please call me at 1-925-642-9976.