The spousal ambush…
Remember my last post on a holiday ambush? I covered what to expect when you share the news with friends and family that you are buying a franchise. An ambush can come from a well-meaning person who hasn’t done the research. But what happens when that person is your spouse?
Would you buy a house or choose an apartment without your spouse participating?
I can only imagine a couple of scenarios where one spouse might be asked to choose a home or apartment alone. Maybe you are in the foreign service and are assigned an urgent post you must fill before sending for your family. Or you’ve taken a corporate job thousands of miles away before your family can wrap up their obligations and join you. Still, you’d surely send photos and get as much buy-in as possible. Even in those situations, only the foolhardy would commit to the actual sale without a nod from the person who will live in the home with you.
So why do I hear from the future franchise owner, “We’ve talked, and my spouse is fine with me making all the decisions with this.”
These individuals want to believe they have the support and agreement that conveys. The best of intentions often go awry because the franchise candidate believes they don’t need to bring their spouse into the process. They want to do the research, ask the questions, do all the homework involved. What they don’t realize is the spouse may have questions all their own, especially when the deal is about to be sealed and the money is on the table.
Include Your Spouse In the Process
1. Don’t Wait
I’ve learned to include spouses in our exploration of franchise opportunities from the beginning. If you’ve never owned a business, you might not understand that owning a business is a family affair. The obligations, challenges and rewards are not something you leave at the office, whether or not your family is employed or involved in any meaningful role in running the business.
2. Share What You Learn Along the Way
Your spouse/partner does not need to do all the research with you. Just be sure you share critical information with them. Also, having her/him learn along with you can be an asset because they know you and can say, “This concept would be a great fit for you,” or “I think you would excel in this particular franchise.” Plus, another set of eyes and ears is always helpful.
3. Prevent Surprises
By inviting your spouse to participate in discussions and ask questions, you instill trust. A supportive partner who knows what is involved, is in agreement along the way, won’t be likely to balk when the deal reaches its final stages.
If you are curious about how the process works, I’d be happy to help demystify it for you. Email me at dpleuss at franchoice dot com.