At the start of the COVID pandemic, FM Global ran an eye-catching ad in the Wall Street Journal. The tagline read Resilience is a Choice. At the time of its publication, I wasn’t sure how I felt about that line. The pandemic taught us that resilience is a precious commodity. Some of us have more of it than others. It may depend on how hard you’ve been hit with a natural disaster, a job loss or illness. Things are changing so fast; it is hard to keep up.

Those thoughts flooded in, until I considered the resilient individuals I’ve worked with over the years.

Resilience is a word I’d use to describe the ability of many of the franchise companies I work with to adapt and adjust. And, the franchisees who demonstrated resilience by hunkering down, sharing ideas persevering.

Likewise, the people I help can only be termed resilient. Somewhere along the way, they chose resilience. Whatever challenges they’ve found in their path, they’ve chosen to be proactive and to look at options like business ownership. They can look to the future. I help them get there.

If you chose resilience, I’d love to help you explore your franchise options. Please call me at 925.642.9976.