I listened to a podcast, “People I (Mostly) Admire” where Steven Levitt interviews Susan Wojcicki, President of YouTube.

Wojcicki mentioned she took her first computer science class when she was a senior in college and almost didn’t because she thought it might be too late. She went on to say it’s really never too late and suggested leveraging your current skillset to make a transition.

That same strategy applies to franchising because for most franchises you don’t need industry experience!

Say you start with a hair salon, a fitness studio or a massage studio. As the franchisee, you are going to manage and run the business. That means you work “on” the business and not “in” the business.

You are not going to get a cosmetology license and shampoo someone’s hair or lead a fitness class or become a massage therapist. You hire the talent. If your background is in, say, project management, you have “transferable” skills, just what a franchise company looks for.

Can you hire, train, manage and motivate employees?

Can you oversee the financials?

Would you like to be involved in the community and be the “face” of the business?

Let’s talk. Diane Pleuss, 925.642.9976.