If you are like most people, you have heard (or have given) that little piece of advice. It’s a life lesson passed along the generations. But as a W2 employee, isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? Putting all your earning potential into one basket. Putting your faith in the company you work for to do well and hoping your boss continues to think you do a good job. It creates a false sense of security.

Maybe you have survived layoffs in the past, and you know one day it could be you. You may be employed, but now you are nervous.

As more people work to gain greater control of their financial health, some look to franchising. Franchising is not a one size fits all and it goes well beyond fast food and French fries!

Some people are looking to leave the corporate world and move into small business ownership. Franchising provides them with opportunities to leverage their leadership skills and experience. You can talk with existing franchisees to learn about their track record for growth. This can give you the confidence to walk away from work that is no longer satisfying without worrying about future income potential.

Yet for others, they want to keep their job; but start a “manager-run” business on the side. This approach allows them to diversify and have a “safety net” should they be downsized.

Through my consulting services, I help them find the perfect franchise fit tailored-made for them.

If you are curious how franchising would look on you, call me at 925.642.9976. I’ve got an eye for finding the perfect fit.