The radio show, “A Prairie Home Companion” would have a weekly segment called “Lake Wobegon Days” and each episode would start with this quote, “Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, the men are good looking and the children are above average.”

It reminded me that in franchising, yes, those businesses often are above average, too. They tend to do better than their independent counterparts because of the system, infrastructure, technology, group buying power, marketing, and R&D. All those things matter.

But keep in mind, those franchise businesses may not have started out that way. Only through trial and error, mistakes and successes the businesses that become franchise opportunities attain above average status. The great thing is, as a franchise owner, you can enter with average, transferable skills and through coaching and franchise training, elevate those skills and gain above average success.

Are you ready to walk in those “above average” shoes? Try them on, see how they fit! 👞👟👡👠👢

We can explore which franchise opportunities might be right for you. Call me, Diane Pleuss, at 925.642.9976.