If you were buying a pair of shoes, the right size and style really matter. You want them to feel comfortable and be the right style for the walking or work you’ll be doing in them.

Why wouldn’t finding the right franchise fit be equally or more important?

Of course, the right franchise fit doesn’t correlate exactly to a pair of shoes. One, the commitment is much deeper and the investment greater. Some similarities remain, however.

You want the franchise business fit to be comfortable, to better handle the challenges that will inevitably crop up along the way.

You’ll also want the franchise to suit your interests and maximize your skills. That is where a skilled franchise consultant can help guide your exploration of the options out there. We take a highly personalized approach and not the see-what-sticks method.

What skills and experience are most needed?
👉 Managerial skills, or project management experience will come into play running almost any business
👉 People skills
👉 Industry experience is usually NOT needed!

A wise consultant won’t shoehorn you into a business. If you are wondering if a franchise business could be a good fit for you, text me at 925.642.9976.